DiffmasCast 2019 with: Ben Funks, BrandNewTrumpets, Dexta, Fearful, Hillah, Mauoq & Rob Vanden It’s the night before, the night before Christmas, Dexta has invited everyone round for a bit of a jolly up, spirits are high! We recap on the year and catch up […]

GiraffeCast 025
GiraffeCast 025 Diffrent Music began in 2010, with a pair of free downloads and a podcast… The GiraffeCast! This fast became the institution, a place to go escape the stresses and fears of everyday life, and to listen to some top notch music and semi-professional […]

DiffmasCast 2017
Moooooey Diffmas Everybody!!! Yes.. We’re back… Dexta, Leano & Sense bring you the 2017 edition of the annual Diffmascast – featuring a whole load of guests from the Giraffe camp new and old… Becca Jane Grey, Chris Inperspective, Chris Conduct, Cuelock, Fearful, Kez & Simon […]

ElephantCast 024
Dexta & Sense present the ElephantCast, featuring special guests Fybe:One & Mauoq to discuss their forthcoming releases and elephant facts galore… We explore the possibility of a fight to death to see whoes EP comes first, there’s some talk of some new merchandise, an album […]

DiffmasCast 2016
Mooo Mooo Mooo Merry Diffmas! Just in the time for the birth of Jesus, or the fat guy in a red dressing gown riding on the back of a red nosed reindeer, we re-group for an afternoon of Minced Pies, Mulled Wine, Eggnog & festive […]

GiraffeCast 023
Dexta & Sense (with an old man hangover) hooked up in the studio last week, played a load of super hot exclusive music that you’ve probably never even heard of, and spoke over nearly all of it… They got a bit interactive and read out […]

GiraffeCast 022
Dexta & Sense are back alongside podcast ‘producer’ – Leano! This episode we discuss Conduct’s battle with Dr.Dre over ratings and followers, Leano lets us know his secret about how to keep kids calm, or rowdy, and we announce a party that won’t actually happen […]

DiffmasCast 2015
It’s Christmas day, we’ve got Eggnog, Mulled Wine, Mulled Cider, dodgy miscellaneous crisps and loads of beer. Amoss, Arkaik, Coma, Conduct, Dexta, Fearful, Kolectiv & Leano are joined by special guests Facing Jinx & Philth (aka. Peer Pressure Recordings) and a last minute cameo from […]

GiraffeCast 021
Dexta & Sense are back for another hour of actual, real, nonsense, they’ve drafted in ‘research-game guru’ Leano (Freedom35) to help make things a little more informative, and Keza also passed through to say hai and give the guys some company. As you can only […]

GiraffeCast 020
The big 20… 5 years in… Giraffe adulthood is quickly creeping up on us, but Dexta & Sense are here to try make it a little more fun. Here’s just over an hour of mumbles, farts and groans about aliens, types of jam and famous […]

GiraffeCast 019
We’re back, it’s been a while, but Happy New Year and Happy Birthday! It’s that time of the year where we’re getting merry as it’s our birthday, and we’re #5YEARSYOUNG this year. Chris (Fearful), Andy & James (Amoss) join Dexta for just over an hour […]

GiraffeCast 018
Diffrent Music present: GiraffeCast 018 With a bit of a pause on the usual GiraffeCast format and after the summer’s BBQcast, we return with some fresh flavours and some unexpected drama. Kolectiv were invited down to the zoo to come chat about their forthcoming ‘Immortalis […]

GiraffeCast 017
Diffrent Music present: GiraffeCast 017 Word on the street is that Arkaik’s about to drop a bomb of an EP on his homeland label Diffrent Music. This is all true, and we thought it’d be best to present you the EP in all it’s glory […]

GiraffeCast 016
Conduct, Dexta, Fearful, Hyroglifics, Kolectiv & Sense shared three mic’s and three bags full of drinks. A birthday wish appearance from Dirty D and Naomi (The giraffe’s wife) tells us all about the birthday party which is being held in Brighton on 21st march 2014.” […]

GiraffeCast 015
Amoss, Arkaik, Dexta, Kolectiv & Sense got together last week for a little social gathering at Diffrent HQ and managed to record an hour of pure Giraffe based music and talk over 90% of it too! Expect some fresh beats from the Diffrent artists, some […]

GiraffeCast 014
Dexta brings together Arkaik, Dominic Ridgway, Mauoq, and Carera (Kolectiv) to talk you through (or talk over should we say) the album and give you the low down of the whole project. There is also an unplanned appearance of Keza (Kolectiv) half way through, how […]

GiraffeCast 013
Dexta & Sense return with an hour of blessed music, and a load of banter and (ironically) senseless chit chat… Peter Arkaik called in sick, and Dominic Ridgway got called into cover at work, but luckily Andy Amoss stopped in to grace us with some […]

GiraffeCast 012
So.. This is the first full length GiraffeCast of the 2013. We’ve got a slightly new strategy, and a nice selection of Giraffe-Steppin beats and rib crunching basslines. Dexta & Sense bring you just over an hour of Fresh tunes and an influential classic. Arkaik […]

GiraffeCast 011.5
This is the ‘Half-GiraffeCast’ – brought to you by the one to watch right now mr Arkaik and of course Dexta … Why? Due to the fact that everyones always busy, and we couldn’t make episode 12 in time, we thought we’d give you a […]

GiraffeCast 011
Welcome to the beginning of the end of 2012. Hunchbak & Dexta provide you with the top 20 tunes that are doing it for them right now. This may be the first time R Kelly appears in D&B too… All the news and run down […]

GiraffeCast 010
Sorry for the gap… As you know we have been busy on the road with parties and D&BA things la la la.. But as a treat, we have spilt lots of beans, in the form of pretty much the next six months of diffrent releases […]

GiraffeCast 009
As we celebrate two years of Diffrent, Hunchbak + Dexta bring you the (only two weeks late) GiraffeCast part 9. Featuring a whole array of giraffe based drum + bass music, suicide toys and “errrrrrrrm, i forgot”‘s (from Dex). Lots of exclusive music’s and a […]

GiraffeCast 008
Diffrent presents the 8th Giraffecast live from the zoo….. not really. This episode sees musical awesomeness from Lynx, Skeptical, Clarity, Fybe one, and others plus slices from the crew @ diffrent. Special guest appearances from Arsene Wenger and a light sabre fight between two giraffes […]

GiraffeCast 007
This be the 7th episode of the not quite world famous GiraffeCast from diffrent. In this episode Jekyll sneaks into the studio via the back door, we tell tony coleman we love him and then announce some pretty awesome news. This is all secondary to […]

GiraffeCast 006
Hunchbak & Dexta bring you the sixth instalment of mental pink giraffe steppin beat packed podcast, featuring Percy pigs, minimal dubstep and dead people… Fun packed, pre-summer GiraffeCast business.” Tracklist. Queensway – St.Valentine [Dub] Whu – Undercover [Diffrent Dub] Clarity – Forensics [Dub] Dakosa & […]

GiraffeCast 005
The fifth Giraffecast from Hunchbak & Dexta @ diffrent. This episode sees the crew discover that hunchbak cannot speak about his own tunes and that dexta really cannot spell! We also uncover some of the amazing music out there atm, expect to here slices of […]

GiraffeCast 004
The fourth Giraffecast from Hunchbak & Dexta @ diffrent. This episode sees Dexta relay emotions on a 1-5 scale, an appearance from a cow and some seriously vibeful music. Expect to hear some ice cold cuts from the likes of Dan Marshall, Amoss, Zero T, […]

GiraffeCast 003
This is the third instalment of the Diffrent Giraffecast, brought to you by Hunchbak and Dexta. In this episode we talk a little bit of rubbish, laugh a few times and play some some of the freshest D&B cuts known to man or beast. Expect […]

GiraffeCast 002
Well hai there! We’re back for another peak beyond the realms of normal dnb. Expect the freshest cuts from dBridge, Data, Lynx, June Miller, Barbarix, Dan Marshall, plus some in house exclusives b2b some bits we’ve picked up along the way…. Enjoy, and feel free […]

GiraffeCast 001
Oh hai! Welcome to the first instalment of the giraffe cast from diffrent. Taking place every three months, this is where we peer above the bush to see whats really going on in the drum and bass community. Expect to hear exclusive dubs, from those […]