Various Artists Revolution Of The Giraffe Diffrent Music roars back into action after an extended hiatus to raise a couple of young giraffes with the electrifying new compilation, ‘Revolution Of The Giraffe’ LP. BUY // DOWNLOAD Launched in 2010 with the aim of […]

DIFF044 ~ Fearful
Fearful FKD / XINF Diffrent Music preps two juxtaposing cuts from label stalwart Fearful in ‘FKD’ / ‘XINF’. Summing up 2020 in name and sound — though actually produced prior to the current crisis — ’FKD’ brings darkness and danger via […]

Diffrent Music x Subtle Radio (May 2020)
Ben funks presents the Diffrent Music show on Subtle Radio, this month, Fearful is in the hot seat; talking about his latest project ‘Collisions’ with Belgian duo Mtwn. Tune in for some inside info about how it came about, and a electronic exploration guest mix! […]

DIFF041 ~ Fearful & Mtwn
Fearful & Mtwn Collisions EP Never a label to be pigeonholed, Diffrent Music returns with its first full downtempo release courtesy of label stalwarts Fearful and Mtwn. Having touched on UK techno, garage and ambient with his expansive 2017 album ‘Interference’, […]

DiffmasCast 2019
DiffmasCast 2019 with: Ben Funks, BrandNewTrumpets, Dexta, Fearful, Hillah, Mauoq & Rob Vanden It’s the night before, the night before Christmas, Dexta has invited everyone round for a bit of a jolly up, spirits are high! We recap on the year and catch up […]

Diffrent Music x Subtle FM (November 2019)
Fearful came down to go through his alum project a year on, and let loose on the decks for a tearing genre shifting guest mix, Ben Funks & Dexta also there for the ride, spinning some fresh exclusives and tunes to make your spine shake! […]

Diffrent Music 2018
Happy New Year! …to one and all, we hope you’ve enjoyed our out put this year… We sure have!

Fearful ‘Interference’ Walkthrough
We have joint forces with ‘Education & Bass’ in an effort to educate you all how we, make bass (and other things!)… Up first, it’s Fearful…. In this tutorial, Fearful walks us through the final track from his debut album ‘Interference’ which is available now […]

Fearful ‘Interference’ Launch Party
‘Interference’ LP Launch, AAJA Deptford, London 23/11/2018 23rd November 2018 with Fearful (Live), Dexta, Lakeway, Mtwn, Sense MC & Codebreaker Diffrent Music is very proud to present the launch of Fearful’s debut album, ‘Interference’. Over two years in the making, we’re excited for you in […]

Fearful ‘Interference’ LP
”As so many great schemes do, it started with a conversation in a pub. After several sporadic releases on Diffrent Music, including his renowned 2013 debut ‘Tongues’, label boss Dexta wanted more music from Fearful. One thing led to another, and suddenly an album was […]

Diffrent Music x Noods Radio (15th november 2018)
Fearful & Dexta took a trip over to Bristol to takeover the Two Hungry Ghosts radio show on Noods Radio. An hour of experimental 170bpm music along with some cuts from the brand new ‘Interference’ LP…

GSBC011 (1st November 2018)
We’re back after a frantic summer break, at new home of AAJA Deptford, a local community space and radio station for the borough of Lewisham! We’re joined by man of the moment Fearful to get the inside scoop on his forthcoming album, ‘Interference’ – tune […]

Fearful Real Name: Chris Murray Habits: Procrastination Guilty pleasure: Don’t click here Favourite Album: Click here Born: March ’90 Diffrent Pick: Sense MC x Amoss & Dexta ‘Just A Ride’ Can’t live without: Earplugs! Top DJ Accessory: One pence peice ‘Fearful’ and I go back to about 2012, […]

DiffmasCast 2017
Moooooey Diffmas Everybody!!! Yes.. We’re back… Dexta, Leano & Sense bring you the 2017 edition of the annual Diffmascast – featuring a whole load of guests from the Giraffe camp new and old… Becca Jane Grey, Chris Inperspective, Chris Conduct, Cuelock, Fearful, Kez & Simon […]

GSBC005 (25th September 2017)
GiraffeStep Broadcasting Company are back with their 5th episode, live from the GSBC studio in North London. In the house this month we invited label regular Fearful to come spin some tunes, have a chat and announce his debut LP! Tune in for brand new […]

DiffmasCast 2016
Mooo Mooo Mooo Merry Diffmas! Just in the time for the birth of Jesus, or the fat guy in a red dressing gown riding on the back of a red nosed reindeer, we re-group for an afternoon of Minced Pies, Mulled Wine, Eggnog & festive […]

GSTEP011 – #WorldGiraffeDay 2016
“What happens when Diffrent Music HQ stumble upon the fact that ‘World Giraffe Day’ and ‘World Music Day’ are falling on the same day this year? Out comes the research game, and phone calls fire left right and centre. What comes next? A charity fundraiser […]

DiffmasCast 2015
It’s Christmas day, we’ve got Eggnog, Mulled Wine, Mulled Cider, dodgy miscellaneous crisps and loads of beer. Amoss, Arkaik, Coma, Conduct, Dexta, Fearful, Kolectiv & Leano are joined by special guests Facing Jinx & Philth (aka. Peer Pressure Recordings) and a last minute cameo from […]

DIFF026 – Fearful
“Fearful’s long awaited extended player. Two years after ‘Tongues’ was released, we’re more than excited to unleash the ‘Mechanism EP’. Four tracks that have been in construction over the 48 months have been pieced together, ready to rattle bass bins and shake neck bones. Watch […]

The Trailer TV (12th March 2015)
The Trailer TV, London 12th March 2015 with Dexta, Feaful, Hyroglifics, Mauoq, Sense MC & MC XL Following up the 2014 session with Arkaik, Dexta & Sense MC, The Trailer TV team invited Diffrent back to do a full on takeover. We headed down to the […]

GiraffeCast 019
We’re back, it’s been a while, but Happy New Year and Happy Birthday! It’s that time of the year where we’re getting merry as it’s our birthday, and we’re #5YEARSYOUNG this year. Chris (Fearful), Andy & James (Amoss) join Dexta for just over an hour […]

DIFF025 – So Far Vol.1
“Diffrent Music, So Far.. Speaks for itself really, this brand new vinyl series brings together a handful of carefully selected tracks that until now have been available only as digital downloads. This is the first offering, and a whole lot of love has gone into […]

GiraffeCast 016
Conduct, Dexta, Fearful, Hyroglifics, Kolectiv & Sense shared three mic’s and three bags full of drinks. A birthday wish appearance from Dirty D and Naomi (The giraffe’s wife) tells us all about the birthday party which is being held in Brighton on 21st march 2014.” […]

DIFF016 – Fearful
“After two months of solid skanking, Leonard decided it was time for a little intermission and marched on down to Victoria where he jumped on the 15:32 to Brighton. While taking 5 from the slot machines he bumped into a pair of bullies who stuck […]