Welcome to the beginning of the end of 2012. Hunchbak & Dexta provide you with the top 20 tunes that are doing it for them right now. This may be the first time R Kelly appears in D&B too… All the news and run down […]

GiraffeCast 010
Sorry for the gap… As you know we have been busy on the road with parties and D&BA things la la la.. But as a treat, we have spilt lots of beans, in the form of pretty much the next six months of diffrent releases […]

GiraffeCast 009
As we celebrate two years of Diffrent, Hunchbak + Dexta bring you the (only two weeks late) GiraffeCast part 9. Featuring a whole array of giraffe based drum + bass music, suicide toys and “errrrrrrrm, i forgot”‘s (from Dex). Lots of exclusive music’s and a […]

GiraffeCast 006
Hunchbak & Dexta bring you the sixth instalment of mental pink giraffe steppin beat packed podcast, featuring Percy pigs, minimal dubstep and dead people… Fun packed, pre-summer GiraffeCast business.” Tracklist. Queensway – St.Valentine [Dub] Whu – Undercover [Diffrent Dub] Clarity – Forensics [Dub] Dakosa & […]

GiraffeCast 005
The fifth Giraffecast from Hunchbak & Dexta @ diffrent. This episode sees the crew discover that hunchbak cannot speak about his own tunes and that dexta really cannot spell! We also uncover some of the amazing music out there atm, expect to here slices of […]

DIFF005 – Hunchbak & Jekyll
“Diffrent’s first extended player is packed to the brim with tight polished grooves and low end perfection, brought to you by the geniuses that are ‘Hunchbak’ and ‘Jekyll’. The disturbing vocals and eerie atmos of ‘End of The World’ instantly set the tone, followed up […]

GiraffeCast 004
The fourth Giraffecast from Hunchbak & Dexta @ diffrent. This episode sees Dexta relay emotions on a 1-5 scale, an appearance from a cow and some seriously vibeful music. Expect to hear some ice cold cuts from the likes of Dan Marshall, Amoss, Zero T, […]

GiraffeCast 003
This is the third instalment of the Diffrent Giraffecast, brought to you by Hunchbak and Dexta. In this episode we talk a little bit of rubbish, laugh a few times and play some some of the freshest D&B cuts known to man or beast. Expect […]

GiraffeCast 002
Well hai there! We’re back for another peak beyond the realms of normal dnb. Expect the freshest cuts from dBridge, Data, Lynx, June Miller, Barbarix, Dan Marshall, plus some in house exclusives b2b some bits we’ve picked up along the way…. Enjoy, and feel free […]

GiraffeCast 001
Oh hai! Welcome to the first instalment of the giraffe cast from diffrent. Taking place every three months, this is where we peer above the bush to see whats really going on in the drum and bass community. Expect to hear exclusive dubs, from those […]