Welcome to the beginning of the end of 2012. Hunchbak & Dexta provide you with the top 20 tunes that are doing it for them right now. This may be the first time R Kelly appears in D&B too… All the news and run down […]

DIFF014 – Fathom Audio
“Billy & Matt had always been big fans of the big pink giraffestep movement, and Leonard the pink giraffe has always had love for Billy & Matt + their numerous projects. One such project which had the Fathom-Audio-Time-Travel unit head back to the early days […]

GiraffeCast 010
Sorry for the gap… As you know we have been busy on the road with parties and D&BA things la la la.. But as a treat, we have spilt lots of beans, in the form of pretty much the next six months of diffrent releases […]

DIFF013 – Jekyll
“A month or so passed, and the golden mauve curly-wurly drainpipe system had seen the last of its good days, and dried up with a terrible stench of pink giraffe dirt. Thomas-the-bass-engine had performed many sound instillations with the drainpipe, pumping all sorts of ridiculous […]

DIFF012 – Stanza
“While the whole world were stuck in a frantic moment of trauma, the late ‘Sigmund Freud’ had been conducting experiments alongside Stanza down in the west end, while people generally passed by eating their subway and looking out for cracks in the floor. A long […]

GiraffeCast 009
As we celebrate two years of Diffrent, Hunchbak + Dexta bring you the (only two weeks late) GiraffeCast part 9. Featuring a whole array of giraffe based drum + bass music, suicide toys and “errrrrrrrm, i forgot”‘s (from Dex). Lots of exclusive music’s and a […]

DIFF011 – Arkaik
“Leonard was kinda flat out for almost most of the winter of 2011, but for some reason the neck kept twitching. Meanwhile, back over in the UK, that sticky bass creator, Peter Arkaik was in the studio letting out his bad moods and stress relief […]