PICKNMIXLP001 BokehNZ * Crypticz * Dexta * Digid * D’TCH * Dusty Ohms * HØST * Howitzer * Iliad * James Bless * JeKyll * Lakeway * Lowquid * Mauoq * Noh Vae * Squane After building up quite a hefty catalogue […]

Digid Real Name: Jeroen Verschueren Born: June 1988 Lives: Temse, Belgium #gone Diffrent Pick: Lakeway – Coke & Cola Digid landed onto my radar when M-Zine & Scepticz sent me their collaboration with him called ‘656’. The track was amazing, it was strange, beautiful, it had […]

GSTEP012 – Digid
“Diffrent keeps the boil on after the imminent release of the Greazus EP, this time back over to Europe for Belgian producer Digid’s return to Diffrent Music. After a two year wait, we’re proud to present to you his follow release after the 2014 collaboration […]

DIFF023 – M-Zine & Scepticz
“M-Zine & Scepticz come with their debut single, following their track ‘Choices’ which was their contribution to the ‘Evolution Of The Giraffe LP’ project back in December. In true diffrent giraffe culture, the lads have teamed up with three different artists of their own choice, […]