PICKNMIX012 Howitzer Howitzer fires off two high-powered, 160bpm weapons for Sweetbox, returning to the Diffrent Music sister label for his second solo outing, after the success of last summer’s ‘Blackjacks’. Lead track ‘Lemonhead’ rains down a fiery combination of militant drumwork […]

SweetBox ‘Pick & Mix Vol.1’
PICKNMIXLP001 BokehNZ * Crypticz * Dexta * Digid * D’TCH * Dusty Ohms * HØST * Howitzer * Iliad * James Bless * JeKyll * Lakeway * Lowquid * Mauoq * Noh Vae * Squane After building up quite a hefty catalogue […]

Diffrent Music 2018
Happy New Year! …to one and all, we hope you’ve enjoyed our out put this year… We sure have!

PICKNMIX010 – Howitzer
PICKNMIX010 Howitzer Cat# PICKNMIX010 Release date: 25th July 2018 Written by: Rob Howes Design: Banana Gun Published by: Pink Giraffe Publishing